21-Year-Old Connecticut Bro Arrested For Running An $8.5 MILLION Psychedelic Mushroom Ring Out Of His Garage

Source - Law enforcement officials came across a staggering find after being tipped off about possible drug-dealing: dozens of dog-food-size bags of psychedelic mushrooms worth an estimated $8.5 million at a home in rural Connecticut.

A drug task force including federal, state and local authorities raided the property Thursday in Burlington, about 20 miles (32 kilometers) west of Hartford, and charged a 21-year-old man with operating a drug factory and possession with intent to sell/distribute narcotics.

Authorities said they received a tip that the resident of the Burlington home was operating a psilocybin mushroom growing operation. Federal, state and local law enforcement officials went to the property Thursday morning and said they saw ventilation equipment on the home that was consistent with items used in “clandestine laboratories.”

The man who was later arrested was at the home, and he showed them a detached garage where police said they saw a large mushroom growing operation. 

Here's the thing about large scale drug dealers, they never look like you think they're going to look. Like if I saw this kid walking down the street....

I would either A) think it's Robbie Fox or B) not even notice him because he looks like every other 21 year old stoner. A little disgruntled and in desperate need of a haircut. He's not driving around Miami in his Ferrari, he's growing fungus in literal shit in what's probably his mother's garage. Fungus that happens to worth a whopping $8.5 MILLION. I mean look at how many mushrooms this kid had…

His response was to basically say what Johnny Depp said in Blow

After police entered the home with the warrant, the man “admitted to investigators that the mushrooms were in fact psilocybin, which is a Schedule 1 controlled substance,” state police said in a statement. 

The man, however, said the mushrooms were not illegal. He also declined to consent to a search of the home.

In other words, "they're not illegal, baby…" which they are. Here's another photo of his operation just so you guys can see the scale… 

I'd be curious to see how much money he actually made off of this. Like what was he clearing a week and what did he do with the profits. WHERE IS THE MONEY, WESTEN?!? Should I rent a bulldozer and start digging up his property? It's gotta be somewhere. Annyyyywho, this guy is probbaly gonna go to jail for a long time so best of luck to him. Judging from his pictures he looks like he's going to need it. 

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